An electric machine is arranged at the second side of the printing heads so as to supply driving force for the paper feeding roller and the cutting apparatus mechanism. 电机,所述电机设置在所述打印头的第二侧,以便给所述送纸辊和所述切割器机构提供驱动力;
Strong flexible, using crepe separating paper, it's used to fix rubber or photosensitive resin plate on printing roller. 非常柔韧,使用皱纹离型纸,固定橡胶及感光树脂版于印刷辊筒上。
Strong adhesion, high shear resistance, no residue left when removed, using structural separating paper. It's used for mounting photo sensitive resin plate on printing roller or resin sleeve. 高粘性,高抗剪切力,揭处不留残胶,使用结构型离型纸,固定感光树脂版于印刷辊筒及树脂套筒上。
Modification of Design Parameters for the Printing Roller Grinding Machine Bed Based on Dynamic Sensitivity Analysis 基于动态灵敏度分析的版辊磨床床身结构参数修改
This machine is used for roller printing and forming of walnut sweet cake, which makes semi-finished biscuits of various shape and weight through roller printing. 本机用于桃酥饼干辊印脱模成型。将调粉机已调好的面团,经辊印成各种形状机不同克数的饼干生坯。
Softprint double-sided plate mounting adhesive tape. It's very suitable for grip and full spot compound printing on steel roller. 柔版印刷贴版双面泡棉胶带,特别适用于钢辊上的综合印刷,网点与实地共存。
The arranged transfer printing roller can be matched with the intaglio plate roller and the letterpress plate roller simultaneously. A transfer printing roller is matched with two printing systems. 设置的转印辊也可同时与凹、凸两个版辊相匹配,即一个转印辊配置两套施印系统。
The printing part adopts hanging plate roller, which could shorten the time of plate lock-up. 印刷部采用挂版式版辊,可缩短装版时间。
Technical characteristics of flat screen printing machine of floating roller and double servo-drive are compared. The new type of flat screen printing machine features highly printing precision, reliability, productivity and controllability. 通过对比浮动辊型及双辊伺服传动型平网印花机的技术特点,介绍了新型平网印花机所具有的印花精度高、可靠性高、产量高和可控性好的优点;
With the help of the control theory of mechanical engineering, it analyzes the torsion in heating roller of printing machine, designs the economical project to educe the power by the heating roller and driving roller. 利用机械工程控制理论,对印刷机械中的预热辊的扭矩控制进行了分析,设计出了它的控制方案。
The essay is a brief introduction of national printing equipment output and revenue of writing paper, ink, PS plate, composition roller, photosensitive film, electrolytic aluminium and blanket in 2001. 本文介绍了2001年全国印刷书写用纸、油墨、PS版、印刷胶辊、印刷感光胶片、电化铝和印刷橡皮布7种印刷器材的产量和销售收入等基本情况。
The method of designing the printing roller grinder bed with CAD and CAE integration technology under virtual environment is put forward. It has important significance in designing other products. 本文提出的利用CAD和CAE集成技术在虚拟环境下对版辊磨床床身进行开发设计的方法,对产品的动态优化设计具有指导意义。
Design of the Printing Roller Grinder Bed Based on FEM 基于有限元的版辊磨床床身设计
Permeating of printing ink in porous papers in printing process of roller printer 辊状印刷机在印刷过程中油墨的渗透
With the rapid development of metallurgy, paper making, latex, plastic, printing and dyeing in the recent years, the technical need for roller grinding is being increased. 近年来,由于冶金、造纸、橡胶、塑料以及印染业的迅速发展,对轧辊磨削的技术要求也日趋提高。
Making of Printing Roller by Electronic Engraving and Its Development 电子雕刻制印花滚筒的工艺及发展
First, according to printing characteristic and controlled precision of roller mesh-printer, carry out total design. 首先,根据滚筒式丝网印刷机的印刷特点、控制精度、进行了总体设计。
Therefore, it is significant for entire printing production to ensure the normal work and life of the cylindrical Roller Bearing. 因此,如何保证印刷机轴承处于良好的工作状态对整个印刷生产具有重大的意义。
In recent years, the demand for laser printers is rising rapidly. As the printing supplies, the demand for printer rubber roller is also rising rapidly. 近年来,激光打印机需求量迅速上升,而作为打印耗材的打印机胶辊的需求量也随着与日俱增。
A comprehensive analysis of these studies has been made about the printed edition version of material, thickness, hardness, printing pressure, ink viscosity, PH value, the number of roller cable. 主要从印版版材、厚度、硬度,印刷压力,油墨粘度、pH值,网纹辊网线数这几方面综合分析研究。
The elastic torsion drive is widely used in intaglio printing driven, spinning machinery in the roller drive, and in the CNC machine tools, electric ball screw drive structure that widely used in injection molding machine etc.. 弹性扭转驱动广泛应用于凹版印刷长轴驱动、纺纱机械中的罗拉传动、以及全电型注塑机等大量使用的滚珠丝杠传动结构中。
The Cylindrical Roller Bearing is one of the important components of the printing machine. Not only the roller Bearing is working in high precision, but also it must meet the challenge of over loading and high speed. 印刷机滚筒上的圆柱滚子轴承是印刷机的重要部件之一,它应能满足高速、重载、工作精度高等要求。